Nokia 7500 Prism mobile phone
The Prism's diagonal keypad layout and design has been inspired by the infinite geometrical forms found in architectural surfaces. Apparently. We suspect the designer just likes Toblerone a lot. That aside, it does look rather fetching and, more to the point, it works. OK, it's no better than a keyboard designed with a slavish and exclusive devotion to ergonomics, but nor is it any the worse.One slight quibble is that neither the start- and end-call buttons, or the two soft-menu keys, are exactly were logic or custom would dictate them to be. Clearly, logic and custom didn't see eye to eye with geometric layout and got a slap.The 7500's other look-at-me feature is its 2in, 240 x 320, 16m-colour TFT display with an "organic desktop" and "event-driven themes", which is Nokia-speak for saying the screen glows in a cool and trippy manner.